25 years in the schools, Part 1

This fall semester is the beginning of my 25th school year in middle schools, high schools and colleges making financial literacy presentations. Regular readers know that I frequently make, and often refer to, these CARE presentations. In fact, in the school year before the pandemic shutdowns, I made over 250 presentations in 56 different schools.

What I want to do in this two-part series is set out a history of my work in financial literacy, and then talk about my recent experiences at Canandaigua Academy with the students in Tammy Franz’s Career and Financial Management first-semester classes, as well as some of my past experiences both there and with Kimberly Connal in the Middle School.

Pictured from left are John Ninfo, Canandaigua Academy student Sarah Yoder, and teacher Tammy Franz. Ninfo was presenting to Yoder's Career and Financial Management class.

It all started in 1997, five years after I was sworn in as a Federal Bankruptcy Judge for the Western District of New York. Although I sat in Rochester, my jurisdiction included Canandaigua and all of Monroe and Ontario counties. In those five years, I found myself every day dealing with individual debtors. It was something that I had not done much of in my 18-year commercial practice before taking the bench, during which I represented 11 different banks at one time or another.

Christopher Lewis

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China Evergrande Investors Relax Despite Default Deadline

Wed Dec 8 , 2021
HONG KONG — For months, as a troubled property company called China Evergrande spooked global markets with its financial problems, Beijing sat on the sidelines. Now, the government is taking a more hands-on role. Evergrande, the world’s most indebted property developer, said officials from several state-backed institutions had joined a […]
China Evergrande Investors Relax Despite Default Deadline

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